Clairvoyant Offerings

Clairvoyance is the art of seeing energy clearly. In a session, I create an energetic bridge that acts as a mirror for your body, mind, and spirit to communicate with you on how to come closer to home and your truth more deeply. I also hold space to heal and lift any density or blockages in order to support your journey and aid in deeper transformation.


My readings and healings are broad and varying as they tailor specifically to you and your needs and desires. You can choose an area of focus, or we can explore an intention together.

Generally, I bring awareness to your connection to your higher self, your body’s inner wisdom, your energetic blueprint, lessons or blessings from past lives that are bleeding through to help you shift any blockages to your growth.

There is time for questions at the end. A recording of the session is included.


    • Understanding of Self, Mission, and “Purpose”

    • Lineage & Ancestral Healing

    • Past Life Healing

    • Blueprint Healing

    This session allows you to continually understand and honor the Self. By exploring your inner landscape, we can dive deeper into your connection with your higher Self, service, and true alignment.

    This is a great intention to set when you’re feeling stuck and needing a big shift. Past life healings can bring illumination and clarity to challenging situations. A lineage healing can free you from ancestral stories and realign you on a more resonant path for your own blueprint.

    • Discover Purpose or Mission

    • Find deeper meaning and connection

    • Explore your gifts and service

    We can explore your mission and link it to career. This intention can provide clarity in direction and overall sense of “purpose” related to your career.

    A session reviews your connection to your higher calling, how you can express your gifts in service, and the areas you are asked to embody these gifts.

    • Emotional Body Healing

    • Alchemy and Creative Empowerment

    • Moving past old stories and blockages

    This intention explores healing unprocessed and repressed emotions often stored unconsciously or subconsciously in our energetic space from traumatic experiences.

    This frees up our capacity to experience life more abundantly and create through joy.

    • Birth & Seed Readings

    • Safety & Expansion

    • Lineage & Ancestral Healing

    • Blueprint Healing

    In a session, we hold space for the inner child to feel safe and witnessed. Birth and seed readings shed light on energetic imprints from childbirth and can validate your current experiences.

    By healing the inner child, we can learn to speak for her instead of from her. This is a powerful tool for strengthening your boundaries and stepping into your true potential with more capacity and loving acceptance for Self and others.

    • Explore relationship to self and self-worth

    • Partnerships, friendships, and connection

    Clarify how others serve as a mirror to your own healing journey and cultivate deeper awareness on your journey of wholeness and self-love.

    We can uncover any blockages, the lessons and blessing that may be bleeding through from past lives, and general awareness to how a relationship is serving your higher self.



60 minutes online





60 minutes each online, great for ongoing support and healing


$333 ($111 each)


My reading with Madeline was truly one of the most eye opening and thoughtful experiences that I have had with a healer!

This was my first time receiving this type of reading so going into the experience I wasn’t sure what to expect, but Madeline gracefully explained her process. Madeline read my energy and helped shed light on open questions I had connected to the journey that I am on in this life and past lives! After the session Madeline shared the recording of our time together. With the recording I can go back and reflect on the experience and incorporate Madeline’s wisdom into my daily life! Madeline, I deeply thank you for using your gift to help guide me!

-LaShaun Collins, Sound Healer


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